三井 啓吾
1970年生まれ 滋賀県在住 1989年から『やまなみ工房所属』 彼が描く作品の多くは実体験を題材にしたものがほとんどである。遠足で見た動物や遊園地、農作業で収穫した笊いっぱいのさつまいも、大好きな風船やクレヨン。よく描かれる魚の絵は、幼い頃に自宅のお店で目にしていた鮮魚コーナーの魚たちだろうか。当時、家業でスーパーを営まれていた両親は毎日とても忙しく、彼はいつもひとりで過ごしていた。その時、夢中になれたことのひとつが絵を描くことであった。その思いは今も変わらない。彼が描く伸びやかな線や鮮やかな色彩は、幼い時に自宅の壁に描かれ残された絵そのままである。
born in 1970/ living in Shiga/ at YAMANAMI since 1989 Keigo Mitsui draws about what he has actually experienced before― the animals he saw in the zoo, the amusement parks he went to, a basket full of sweet potatoes which were harvested at the farm, and balloons and crayons which he loves so much. The reason why he often draws fish is that he used to watch a lot of them in the fish tank that was in the supermarket his parents once ran. When he was a child, he spent most of his time alone because his parents were busy. Drawing was one of his favorite activities at that time, and it remained so. The spontaneous lines and vivid colors in his childhood drawings can still be seen in his current art works.