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中尾 涼



1998年生まれ 滋賀県在住 2017年から『やまなみ工房』に所属 元々は紙を切って大好きな扇風機のプロペラ作っては眺めることが好きだった彼だが、職員の書く字を真似たり、窓に指で文字をなぞる様子から、絵画に取り組むきっかけとなった。英字の他数字の作品も多く、描くときは、一切の迷いや躊躇は無く、あっという間に描き終え、勢いや力強さが英字や数字の書体にも表れている。文字は色を変えて筆やペン、時には指を用いて何度も上からなぞることが多く、より作品に深みをもたらしている。最近は文字だけでなく、人物や自分の好きなものを絵にされる作品も生まれ、クールな作風と合わせて彼独特の感性が作品にも反映されている。

Born in 1998, residing in Shiga Prefecture and a member of ATELIER YAMANAMI since 2017. One of Nakao’s favorite things to do is to stare at fan blades he made of paper. Although this was something that he used to do on a regular basis, the staff also witnessed Nakao tracing some of the letters the staff had written or outlining something that looked like the alphabet on the window. Seeing this, the staff gave him a newspaper written in English to see if it would spark Nakao’s interest. Sure enough, Nakao started to copy the letters and numbers in the newspaper onto a sheet of construction paper. Nakao works on impulse but always knows what he wants to incorporate into his piece. He does not spend a lot of time on his projects but the finished pieces express power and certainty. Nakao usually uses a brush or a pen with different colors and sometimes even uses his fingers to go over what he has already drawn, adding depth to his work. He recently started to incorporate people and things that he likes into his pieces, reflecting a hint of his personality into the unique art style.

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