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山根 孝文



1996年生まれ 滋賀県在住 2015年から『やまなみ工房』に所属 もともと創作活動に消極的だった彼が、気負いなく作業感覚で取り組める方法のひとつとして、スタンプ押しの活動が始まった。巻いて棒状にしたダンボール紙や紙コップ、ゴム判子等、様々な素材の判子を用いて自分の好きな色を決めて、判子を一つ一つ確実に丁寧に押してゆく。取り組む中で徐々に創作に対する苦手意識から解放され、作品が完成するたびにやりがいや喜び、そして彼の中で創作に対する自信が深まった。 今では内向的な彼が自己表現の一つして取り組める活動となる。

Born in 1996, residing in Shiga Prefecture and a member of ATELIER YAMANAMI since 2015. Yamane started painting using stamp seals as a way of eliminating his intimidation of art. Due to this method, he is now able to work without having to feel pressured or overwhelmed. The stamp seals Yamane uses are handmade using materials such as cardboard, paper cups and rubber. After selecting a color, Yamane carefully stamps each seal onto a sheet of paper and creates a bright and colorful piece of artwork. This painting method has lifted Yamane’s aversion toward art and has even boosted his confidence as it helped him realize the joy and satisfaction in completing a project. Being a shy person, this activity has become Yamane’s way of expressing himself to others.

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