杉本 かほる
1979年生まれ 滋賀県在住 1998年から『やまなみ工房』に所属 彼女がやまなみへ通所し、初めて行った作業は牛乳パックを使用した紙漉き作業だった。 その作業工程の中、彼女の役割は取り出した紙の繊維を手のひらで丸め細かな玉を作る作業であった。20年以上たった現在では、その作業はなくなり彼女の活動も変化してきたが、今も彼女の中には仕事というと両手で繊維を丸める行為を表す。そして今、活動の幅が広がり、紙コップを用いて自分の好きな色を決め、判子を一つ一つ丁寧に押していく。紙コップの丸が様々な色で積み重なり、色鮮やかに仕上げっていく。 彼女の中で陶土を丸めて玉を作る行為、判子を押す行為は仕事としての位置づけを成し、達成感とやりがいや意欲につながっているのであろう。
Born in 1979, residing in Shiga Prefecture and a member of ATELIER YAMANAMI since 1998. The first job Sugimoto was given at ATELIER YAMANAMI over 20 years ago was making paper out of empty milk cartons. During this paper-making process, she was also required to process the fibers of the paper into tiny balls by rolling them in her palms. Things have changed since then, including the task of papermaking. However, Sugimoto continues to perceive creating tiny balls from other materials as her job. In addition to this job, Sugimoto has also started to paint circles using the rims of paper cups. Sugimoto may choose to use multiple colors or a single color depending on her mood, but no matter the color selection, her circles are always carefully arranged so that each circle overlaps with one another. To Sugimoto, making tiny balls and painting circles are both important jobs as they reward her with a feeling of accomplishment and motivation.